Immunity is the natural ability of any living organism to resist any infection or toxins by action of certain antibodies and white blood cells. We are by birth blessed with strong immune system. By taking good care of physical and mental health we can make our immune system stronger and keep diseases at the bay.
Taking unnecessary food and vitamin supplements or other immune booster compounds (unless advised by physician) in anxiety of boosting immunity are of no use. It can adversely affect your body by burdening your liver for metabolism and kidneys for excretion of chemical byproducts of these synthetic supplements. (e.g. taking excessive Vitamin C can lead to diarrhoea, stomach pain ,nausea or excessive selenium can cause hair loss and gastric upset as well as excessive intake of fat soluble vitamins like A,D,E,K can cause toxicity) Regular balanced diet, exercise and meditation, positive attitude and good sleep are key factors for good immunity.
If you are healthy and taking balance diet (including fruits, fresh vegetables) then usually supplements are not required. (except Vitamin D3, Vitamin B12 and calcium). Immuno-booster supplements are usually required for the people who are immuno-compromised like on chemotherapy ,organ replacement surgeries or have any chronic TB, AIDS etc.
Even patients with diabetes or hypertension or chronic kidney problems are taking good care of their health then they can have good immunity according to their age and health. No extra supplements to raise their immunity are required (except supplements of known deficiencies, prescribed by physicians). Already these diseases are taking toll on their kidneys so additional supplements can damage them more.
Here are some tips to boost your immunity.
Take 3 main meals like breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 small meals in between like fruits, soup, milk, buttermilk, salad, smoothie etc.
Incorporate each meal (main or small) with proteins and fibres. (e.g. add different vegetables and sprouts to poha or upma for breakfast)
Add fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet (2-3 fruits/day are allowed including mango)
Drink 8-10 glasses of water to keep body hydrated
Consume Vitamin C rich foods like citrus fruits, mango, amla or at least 1 lemon a day
Along with citrus fruits do add red bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach, papaya, almonds curd or yoghurt, sunflower seeds, kiwis, turmeric, and green tea in your diet. They are super foods for boosting immunity
Also add pulses (sprouts), dal, milk and milk products, eggs, poultry, and fish for protein
Fruits, dry fruits, nuts can be taken at small mealtime (in recommended portion)
Eat more whole plant food like whole grains, pulses, fruits, and vegetables to get more fibre
Avoid sugars and highly fatty and fried food. Frying reduces the nutritive value of food
Take good fats in the form of flax seeds, nuts, salmon fish (recommended portion)
Consume more fermented foods to improve your gut health. fermented foods and probiotics also boost immunity
Take 7-8hrs of sound sleep.
Manage your stress by meditation, Yoga practices or by engaging in hobbies.
Engage yourself in regular exercise practise.
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
Avoid aerated drinks as they leech calcium from bones.
Get exposed to sun for some time during day for vitamin D3 (preferably between 10 o’clock to 1 o’clock). Less D3 levels also weakens the immunity. Take Vitamin D3 supplements and calcium by consulting your doctor.
Deficiency of Vitamin B12 also weakens immunity by lowering the haemoglobin as well as other systemic symptoms too. Vegetarian food negligibly contains Vitamin B12. Hence supplement for Vitamin B12 is also important to get good immunity. (prescribed by doctor)
Dr. Anisha Potdar. BHMS, M.Sc(nutrition and dietetics), CDE, IEP